Reader comments are listed below. Comments are currently closed and new comments are no longer being accepted. I'm also a Colombian, and I understand those secret agents who went crazy after seeing the most beautiful women they had ever seen. We all know that 8 out of 10 american girls are fat and ugly don't misunderstand me, I like the U. S a lot. They went completely crazy and forgot their responsibility of protecting the most powerful man on earth.
Colombia is a beautiful place and Cartagena is a stunning city. Off course, it has prostitutes which city doesn't?? It just depends on what type of person you are. Go to Colombia and go to Cartagena, and judge yourself. I don't see why Cartagena should get a bad name for the actions of the U.
S Secret Service. I consider this a horrible blemish on the image of the Secret Service, not on Columbia. All nations have prostitution. While it might be easier to arrange these rings for important persons in some nations than others it doesn't change the fact that the blame ultimately lies with the agents responsible. Does not matter, because the girls are professionals; and will take any position he wants them to take Do Cartagenas mayor think prostitutes are not respectable?
What makes his daughters respectable and prostitues not? Colombians, just like the Chineese, are very naive when they think they can control what other people thinks about their country. I regret that this ridiculous "scandal" have taken the light from something much more important for Colombia: the much neeed drug legalization. Once I heard a prostitute say the following: "We, the whores, insists in that the politicians are not our sons! I was wondering on the different attitudes Democratic American presidents might have taken upon learning that Secret Service agents have been consorting with prostitutes while on duty overseas, this time in Cartagena.
I would imagine Jimmy Carter dismissing them on moral grounds, and Bill Clinton doing the same, but for not having been invited. I just wonder what position will Barrack Obama take. Moral of the 'stingy' episode: Don't get frisky, if you can't afford it, El Cheapo!